Step into the captivating realm of "Mental Samurai" with our meticulously crafted interactive Canvas experience that mirrors the essence of Season One, where it all began. Guided by the charismatic Rob Lo.we, the co-host of the show, this journey beckons you to embrace the ultimate test for your mind. I took on the exciting task of developing an experience that seamlessly captures the thrill of the show.

From the interactive Canvas experience that mirrors the show's challenges to the fantastical countdown campaign, this journey embodies the convergence of entertainment, engagement, and anticipation. Step into a series of engaging trials, including custom puzzles, sequence games, memory challenges, and a general knowledge test. the captivating world of "Mental Samurai" as you accept Rob Lowe's challenge and test the limits of your mind.


Mental Samurai

• Art Direction
• Design
• Development
• Editing
• Animation

The Ultimate Obstacle Course for the Mind

The Experience

Season 1

Premium Animated Messaging

To amplify the excitement as we approached the premiere, we orchestrated a captivating countdown campaign that integrated our premium animated messaging into the scenes themselves. These enchanting animations became an integral part of the environment, infusing the countdown with a sense of magic and anticipation.

Season 1

Memory Game

Dive into the world of memory challenges with our captivating series of games that utilize Instagram's Poll Sticker feature. Prepare to put your memory to the test as we present a range of intriguing questions and scenarios that will engage your recall skills in a fun and interactive way.

Our carefully crafted memory games invite you to participate through the Poll Sticker, where you'll need to choose the correct answers based on your memory. From recalling specific details to remembering sequences and facts, each question is designed to challenge your mental prowess and keep you engaged.

The Ultimate Challenge

Prepare for "The Ultimate Challenge”, every week, we engage our fans through a series of captivating organic posts that dare you to step into the "Circle of Samurai." Get ready to put your skills to the test and embrace the thrill of competition in a new and exciting way.

Crafting a range of mind-bending games, including puzzles, sequence challenges, memory quizzes, and knowledge tests, we've designed each game to push your limits. These meticulously curated challenges are designed to captivate your attention and encourage you to showcase your mental prowess.

Prepare to be captivated, challenged, and entertained as you step into the realm of "The Ultimate Challenge." With each game, you take a step closer to proving your skills, entering the esteemed "Circle of Samurai”.


The Masked Singer | Season 1


Social Premium Campaigns